Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Birthday. =]

Soo.. I know that blog that I posted before was too depressing and emotional, but I felt like I just needed to let that out. I can never hold my feelings in. I'm straight-forward with everything. But.. MOVING ON. :)

I'm finally 16 years old. I can't wait till I get my permit and start driving around. Although I'm not really sure I'm ready... Haha! :)
I know, you're thinking that how in the world can a 16 year old experience love like that? Well, let me tell you all something. When talking about love, age doesn't matter. What matters are your feelings. Trust me, it's not impossible to find true love when you're this young. I know a lot of people who fell in love this young. But.. yeah. I guess love doesn't pick the perfect timing, huh? It just comes and goes. BUT, you hold on to the memories. Never forget them. Anyway, since today's my birthday, I'm gonna try to think happy thoughts. To forget about what's currently going on and just focus on the positive side of things. I just wanna be happy for a moment. Thanks to all my friends, I know that I'm not alone. I know that I'll have someone to talk to and to lean on to.

So, I guess I'll just stop here. Haha. :) I've got some birthday celebrating to do. Life is too short to miss out on...

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